The Tree - Tree
The Tree - Tree
Rhonda Gay Anlezark
1 spouse 3 children
Stephen James (Steve) Boyland
Jude Boyland
Richard Stephen Boyland
Martyn James (Marty) Boyland
Edley James Anlezark
2 spouses 1 child
Lorna Sylvia Radnidge
Rhonda Gay Anlezark
Barbara Fay
Lorna Sylvia Radnidge
2 spouses 1 child
Edley James Anlezark
Rhonda Gay Anlezark
Italo Vincent John (Ricky) Comis
Claude Hamilton Anlezark
23 Dec 1886 - 10 Oct 1978
2 spouses 1 child
Elizabeth J Burke
Minnie Beatrice Jackson
Edley James Anlezark
Minnie Beatrice Jackson
1910 -
Arthur Stuart Augustus Radnidge
23 Jul 1902 - 26 Aug 1968
Ruby Myrtle Keasey
ca 1908 - 30 May 1990
Andrew Anlezark
10 Jun 1862 - 15 Feb 1908
Helen McDonald (Ellen) Love
16 Jun 1866 - 23 Aug 1963
David Edward Jackson
1881 - Jul 1917
Jane Castles Miller
1891 -
William Radnidge
5 Nov 1850 - 15 Oct 1931
Mary Ann Beckett
8 Mar 1857 - 18 Sep 1941
Frederick John Keasey
1867 - Jul 1946
Miriam Naomi (Myra) Barwick
1877 - 10 Jun 1943
James Anlezark
Matilda Hawthorn
John Love
Jane Hooper McKaig
David Jackson
Sarah Dinah Hall
Allan Robertson Miller
Mary Clark
John Radnidge
Rosanna Clarke
John Beckett
Esther Peak
Frederick J Keasey
Miriam Quainton
George Parrett Carter
Virginia Barwick